Dark Blood During Period

    dark blood

  • Dark Blood is an unfinished 1993 film written by Jim Barton, directed by George Sluizer, and starring River Phoenix. Phoenix played Boy, a youthful widower who lives as a hermit on a nuclear testing site, waiting for the end of the world while making dolls that he believes have magical powers.


  • A portion of time in the life of a person, nation, or civilization characterized by the same prevalent features or conditions
  • (ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games
  • time period: an amount of time; “a time period of 30 years”; “hastened the period of time of his recovery”; “Picasso’s blue period”
  • A length or portion of time
  • One of the set divisions of the day in a school allocated to a lesson or other activity
  • the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon

dark blood during period

Castle Age (Fifth Age)

Castle Age (Fifth Age)
The castle age happened when the celts and germans formed their kingdoms near the ending of the roman empire. The goths became architects, builders, designers of fashions and forgers of mighty weapons. The roman king Constantine decided to convert to Christianity and elected himself the first Pope, he then reformed the empire into the roman catholic church. Catholicism was a concept during the council of imperial priests as one before happened to create the Orthodox church. Eastern and Western Europe were divided between the orthodoxy and catholic churches and because they came to the belief of ‘there is only one true church’ they began to have fueds amongst each other causing wars between kingdoms who wouldn’t hearken to the words of Christ. The dark era of was ended as the Ottoman empire invaded Europe, this started the Holy Crusades which was both an effort to otherthrow the arabs for spreading Christianity into the holy lands and helping the Jews regain their ancestral home in Israel. Yet their hearts weren’t in the right place so they lost the crusades and retreated home to Europe. Marco Polo a famous explorer took the old silk road that he learned about and eventually got to China where he discovered wonderous things that he brought to Europe, this pleased the many kings of Europe the point they took the fireworks and other things of China transforming them into culture, lordship and military use. Italian artisans brought out profound masterpieces and works of epic art that sprung the rennassiance into action! Engineerers and inventors began crafting modern things such as muskets, cannons and the early guitars for bards known as lutes. Other legends surrounding this age are Robin of Loxley who stood against the tyrant Prince John of England while robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. Aurthurian legend was the first in the castle age, he was the first to create kingdoms as he united the Brits against the invading force called the Saxons. Archers were as much an essential part of medieval times as knights were, due to popular dragon slaying tales. Some dragons were actually honorable creatures that were kept as legends amongst local clans. The Scottish never saw their country seperated from Britian as they were a whole different country, the Brits thought to have all the lands of Scotland under their rule but outstanding early revolutionist William Wallace also known as Braveheart wouldn’t stand for English superiority. Joan of Arch was another major figure in medieval legends being she fought for truth and the integrity of the lord’s church but was betrayed by the church authorities she swore to uphold in her oath, she was later honored and the priest who betrayed her was dismissed and erased form the records. Vladimier Tepes was the son of Dracula which was a title given to the man who was called ‘the dragon’, Vladimir the Impaler was made champion of the catholic church and blessed with invulnerability plus longevity in life. He forced the Turks out of Europe through cutting off their heads, disemblowelment, cutting them in half and hoisting their impaled bodies on tall spears then lining them up along the path from Turkey to Romania keeping the Ottoman’s out of European lands. Vladimir was named a hero by the people of Romania and soon as he layed eyes on Elizabeth Bathory he fell in love with her, she was said to bathe in the blood of virgins to maintain her beauty, some even suspected Vlaad drank the blood of his enemies gaining their strength, memories and knowledge. However when Vlaad decided to marry Elizabeth Bathory it was seen as a betrayal by the Catholics thus his own priest who blessed him thus cursed him to eternal damnation, this confusion made it to where he’d become undead (the first known vampire). The Turks hunted him down in a battle he lost then caught him, beheaded him and buried him headless to avoid him becoming undead. Elizabeth Bathory was told of her lover’s death by the Turks so she ran to the tallest tower in her own despair, gloom and depression whereas at the same time she wanted to avoid being captured by the Turks because they would force her to be a plural wife to a Muslim man, she jumped off the tower of Dracula’s castle and committed suicide. The castle age made our society into six levels of achievement but segregation was still strongly present, the royals were the rulers who decided the laws and established them without consent from anyone, the holies were below the royals having spiritual authority and deciding what was honorable and what was sinful, the nobles were below the holies having wealth and land as much as they attended any party or ball annointed by the king himself, the servants were below the nobles having only a small cottage to live in that was the size of an inn but having no education save the education granted and permission to be at a nobles side, the commoners were below the servants being smiths, bards, fishermen, sailors and other l

Pied Imperial pigeon, Toronto

Pied Imperial pigeon, Toronto
The Pied Imperial-pigeon, Ducula bicolor, is a relatively large, pied species of pigeon. It is found in forest, woodland, mangrove, plantations and scrub in Southeast Asia, ranging from Myanmar and Thailand south to Java and east to the Philippines and the Bird’s Head Peninsula in New Guinea. It is mainly found on small islands and in coastal regions.[2] It remains locally common, and is therefore considered to be of least concern by BirdLife International and IUCN.[1]

Pied Imperial-pigeon at the National Aviary. Notice the lack of black spotting to the undertail coverts.
Its taxonomy is confusing and remains unsettled. It has sometimes included the Torresian, Yellowish and White Imperial-pigeons as subspecies.[2] The widespread nominate subspecies of the Pied Imperial-pigeon differs from all these by its plain white thighs and undertail coverts (though often with a dark spot at the very tip), and its narrowly dark-tipped bluish bill. For comparison, the other species’ have black-spotted undertail coverts and thighs (spotting mainly near thighs in White Imperial-pigeon), the bill of the Torresian Imperial-pigeon is greenish-yellow, and the bills of the Yellowish and White Imperial-pigeons are bluish at the base and yellowish at the tip. Furthermore, the Yellowish Imperial-pigeon has a distinctive yellowish tinge to its plumage[2] (some Pied Imperial-pigeons may also appear yellowish, but infrequently to the same extend), and the White Imperial-pigeon has silvery-grey remiges.[3] However, the taxon melanura of the Moluccas, which usually is considered a subspecies of the Pied Imperial-pigeon, resembles the Torresian Imperial-pigeon in bill, thighs and undertail coverts, but has a significantly broader black tail-tip.[3] Consequently, some have suggested it should be placed under the Torresian Imperial-pigeon, while others have suggested it should be considered an entirely separate species, D. melanura[3] (for which the name Black Imperial-pigeon has been used – an unfortunate choice, as only the tail has significantly more black than the other members of this group, and the name Black Imperial-pigeon usually has been used for D. melanochroa).[4] Yet others have considered melanura to be invalid, instead believing it only is a morph of D. b. bicolor, as both types can be found on some islands.[3]

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